Friday, October 16, 2009

The Noticer by Andy Andrews- Further Thoughts

After reading through the book, writing the review, and twittering (@brucecox #thenoticer) a host of riveting thoughts from the book, I think it would be appropriate to post my compilation of notes from the journey.
  • Do I have a "Jones" in my life? Am I a "Jones" to someone else?
  • Whatever you focus upon increases in life. Are there areas that need refocused in my life?
  • You are exactly where you should be in order for your unimaginable future to occur.
  • 4 love dialects- Spoken Affirmation, Contact, Deeds or Favors, Quality time.
  • How does a persons pet ownership reflect their love dialect?
  • Do I ever sabotage my success by my inability to be happy or find happiness?
  • Small changes are never really small at all...
  • Gaining Wisdom in life can depend on the friends you keep... they can also become your life filter.
  • It doesn't take long to change... Change is immediate. However, it may take long to decide to change.
  • Little things always make big differences.
  • Define Success... Now Define a Successful Life... Are we chasing after the wrong things?
  • If you are still alive, still breathing, still on this planet... You still have a purpose! Having a Purpose is proof that there is Hope in life... What's your purpose?
  • Everyone in life is either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or heading for a crisis...
  • Did you make a MISTAKE? or a CHOICE? Realizing which one will help determine if you are ready for forgiveness...
  • Your kids will be just like you... what example are you living?
I am truly inspired by the thoughts of the author... However, as he alludes to in the book, the inspiration may lead to good intentions, but those intentions need to have action linked to them in order to produce the immediate change our lives need.

Thanks for noticin...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

Just read the latest book, The Noticer, by Andy Andrews, bestselling author of The Traveler's Gift. Thomas Nelson Publishers.

It's a great read!

Orange Beach, Alabama is a simple town filled with simple people. But they all have their share of problems – marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, business people on the verge of bankruptcy, and many of the other obstacles that life seems to dish out to the masses.

Fortunately, when things look the darkest – a mysterious old man named Jones has a miraculous way of showing up. Communicating what he calls “a little perspective,” Jones explains that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. In his simple interactions, Jones speaks to that part in everyone that is yearning to understand why things happen and what they can do about it.

I couldn't put the book down. However, I found myself pausing throughout each chapter thinking about the many conversations I have had with people dealing with the various subjects addressed by the author. Jones' optimism, the right perspective, is not only contagious - it's something we all could use a little more of.

I totally recommend this book. It's a great mix of fiction, allegory, and inspiration!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seeing God in your situation!

When we are facing a major crisis, we tend to get blurred vision... Perception is shot... Contemplations become one-sided... And we often shut out the very people who can deliver us.
When on the road with the savior we must recognize, through the difficulty, he is the one who has come to deliver us!

Friday, March 6, 2009


So today we heard that the unemployment rate has jumped to a new high of 8.1%
This news is pressed and stressed and streched to appear overwhelming and impossible to handle.
Why not focus on the 91.9% Employment Rate! Perhaps by celebrating the victories we experience we can encourage hope for the ability of a better tomorrow!
Remember, it's not all that bad when half the world lives on $1 a day...
Principle of the Path
  1. People don't get lost on purpose
  2. You seldom know the place on the journey you became lost
  3. The road you are on determines where you end up
The road doesn't always determine where you INTEND to be...
But, rest assured, you will ALWAYS end up where the road you are on leads you...

What Road are You On?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Principle of the Path

"Direction- Not Intention- Determines Our Destination."
Andy Stanley

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Catalyst One Day

Andy Stanley
3 Components of Sustained Momentum
  • New: Triggers Momentum
  • Improved
  • Improving:
Continual Improvement,
Systematic Evaluation,
Unfiltered Evaluation

5 Momentum Stoppers
  • Disengaged Leaders
  • Overactive Managers:
Goal of manager is to keep things the same
Goal of the leader is Change
  • Complacency:
Simply doing what has been done will not regain momentum.
  • Complexity:
Competing systems
  • A Breach of Trust

More from the Blackberry Later

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

VFCC Class

Taking Tom Rees' Developing Outreach and Discipleship Programs Class on Tuesdays. First class... Listening in on Jim Henderson's Off the Map DVD interviews with 3 Lost People. Talking to "lost" people is so weird... There seems to be so much Us vs Them going on... it makes being a believer painful.
Why do we claim to HAVE something like it was ours to begin with?