Sunday, October 7, 2007

Catalyst Conference 2007

After encouragement from a friend- "hey, you're 'blogging' the conference right?" thought I ought to get with the decade and drop soe notes onto the net...

Thursday October 4th-
ANDY STANLEY opens the conference: John 13:1-17
"What do you do when it dawns on you that you are the most powerful person in the room?"
If God has entrusted you with leadership, you yield power. So what's your next move?

Shed the titles and position that gave the power.
Look for ways to leverage your power for everyone around you.

We display our weakness.
We suggest that we are greater than our master.

Can you be trusted with power?
Hold it loosely and always be ready to give it up...
Who am I to think that I have reason to think of elevating myself with the "power" given?
Get down on the ground and wash some feet preparing them to bring the Good News...

The Ministry of Management. Three Signs of Job Misery.

People need to be known and know that they are not just a commodity.
People need to KNOW they are making a difference and know why their position is important.
How do you play an important part in the story of life?
People need to know how to measure their success in a job.
They need to know: "This is what I do, and this is how good I'm doing."

People need to be REMINDED more than they need to be INSTRUCTED.

Don't wait until you retire to make an impact on people around you.
Whatever position of authority you find yourself in, when you manage, you minister.

PANEL DISCUSSION: UNCHRISTIAN- What a new generation really thinks about Christianity and why it matters. Latest Book by Gabe Lyons and David Kinnaman

"We (Christians) are not hated for Righteousness but for Self-Righteousness."
"Preaching a message without giving an access or outlet for action is just not right" -Tri Robinson
"Too often the "Right" answers have produced the wrong character" - Chris Seay.

Founder of the Simple Way in Philadelphia.

Sorry, didn't catch much here... but he did have a fun t-shirt "God Loves Women Preachers"
and he made the statement about church being like Noah's Ark

"It stinks from time to time but if you get out, you'll probably drown."

Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Southern California

Ever catch yourself drifting from a deep personal love for God? Or a love for the people in your church? "Uh, hello! Be careful here, these two items pretty much sum up the entire Bible!"

FIGHT IT! You have not been sent into this ministry by man- you have been sent by God.
Jeremiah 1:4 Before I formed you I knew you! Before you were BORN- I set you apart!

We have to begin living differently with this in mind... with this powerful plan, we must live different, otherwise we are just running a church.

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on Alert, Stand Firm in the Faith, Act Like Men, BE STRONG.

What am I worried about? Why do I let emotions outside of relationship with God dictate the work that HE has called me to do?
BE STRONG! Live to please Him alone...
Call His people to a deeper commitment... a Real Commitment.

a guy who wrote a popular book on purpose... or something like that...

"The Kingdom of God is wherever He is King"

after being presented a catalyst lifetime achievement award he brought a heartfelt message for future leaders.
Do I add or Subtract?
Am I a giver or a taker?

Intentionally Add value to people Every Day.
Find your Strength Zone and work there.
Never Put yourself first.

1) Value People-
Pretty simple, but if we don't value people we won't attempt to add value to them.
2) I must become more valuable-
Keep Learning, Keep Growing.
3) Find out and Relate to what other people value-
Care enough to listen.
4) Do what God values.
Again, pretty simple, but if we don't do what God values why would he want to bless what we do?

As simple as this message was I find it profoundly practical. Something that everyone can set out to do each day.